What we do

Our Services



Solving the Publishing Problem in Nigeria through affordable, sustainable, and secured Publishing Services


Book Editing

Our professional editors are happy to collaborate with you to improve the structure, flow and logic of your work, reading through your draft and making the necessary changes to guarantee that the final book appeals specifically to your target audience. We shall suggest changes in language and overall structure, while depending on your approval to ensure that your unique writing style is maintained throughout our editing processes.

Copy Editing and Proof Reading

Our technical team of copy editors and proof-readers focus more on the minute details of your literary work, scrutinizing each sentence, checking for accuracy of your story and the consistency of your unique writing style. Grammar, syntax, punctuations, spellings and other such details are hammered into the work at this point. Our copyeditors and Proof-readers that you are using the right terminologies in addressing the issues in your literary work, and that your target audience will be able to fully understand the context of your writing.

book layout

Book Cover and Interior Layout Design

Your book cover is the first impression on your potential readers mind. A book is almost always judged by its cover, and so you cannot overestimate the true importance of an excellent Cover Design. Our talented and dedicated team of experienced graphics designers will craft a unique cover design and choose the appropriate format and layout for your books interior pages that will appeal to your readers. After writing a great book, you deserve the best format of presentation to the world and we transform your manuscript into an epic work of art that will stand the test of time through all ages.

Illustration and Artistic Impressions

Literary and art cannot be divorced from each other and more often than not, a writer finds it most important to draw out some important and useful artistic forms and representations from the imaginations. This requires the unique skills of experienced illustrators and artists who can understand the writer’s thoughts and represent their abstractions with physical forms. Fortham Publishers will ensure that your book comes alive with high resolution illustrations and artistic impressions that will leave a lasting impression on the minds of all who come across your book.


Printing and Distribution

After all the hard work you and the entire team has put into ensuring that your work is near perfection, Fortham Publishers ensures that the best quality of print is delivered on all our books. Depending on the desired quantity and quality of production, we choose to produce our work using the best printing technology in Nigeria and/or overseas. Our distribution channels have also been built over the years and we can discuss the possibility of offering our services with writers/authors who require our distribution services. We have printed over 500,000 books between 2018 to date and our experience has made us one of the best publishers in Nigeria in contemporary times. Order your prints now!

Marketing and Publicity

Marketing and publicity of books is the point at which your hard work is to be rewarded. Fortham is able to organise excellent book launches for our writers/authors and ensure that your hard work does not go unrewarded. Our dedicated team of marketers and business analysts are experienced in the art of selling books and have yielded great success over the years, selling a total of 100,000 academic books for Fortham Publishers and over 50,000 books for our writers.
We work with you closely to identify the strongest points and markets you will like to break into, and then with our experience in the industry, we are able to help you turn your writing into a very profitable venture. We consider ourselves unique partners in this regard as there are no other publishers who offer these services in Nigeria at the moment. We look forward to working with you closely on this exciting project.


Why Choose Us

Quick Service Delivery

With Our Team of Efficient and Vibrant Goal Oriented Professionals, We worked to Deliver Projects within shortest possible time.

Rights Protection

We work with National and International Regulatory bodies in order to protect rights and privacy of our Author to ensure highest possible Return on Invest and Reward for Labour.

Efficient Customer Service

Our Team of Reliable Customer Service Personnels are always available to ensure that your queries are Received and Resolved.


Fortham Publishers is set to become the world's leading publishing company by Professionalism, Quality and Integrity.


Our Mission is to bring knowledge and power to everyone in quality and style, giving writers and readers a beautiful platform to gain and share knowledge with comfort.