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The life of a slave makes for a sad and morbid tale, but the life of a slave in love makes for an intriguing one. The universe pauses in earnest anticipation of the outcome of such an anomaly. Sunrise at Dusk, a story of a little over forty thousand (40,000) words is the story of two slaves, ADAMA and AKAN, whose opposing views of love conflicts with the rules of slavery.

Born without privilege or promise in the country of the two great rivers, and at a time when freedom was not a gift afforded to all, Adama finds himself in the village of Apa. He had been bought and sold to as many men that needed work done until he came to be owned by the most revered man in Apa – the Chief Priest. This was a man who could not be cautioned or queried, and whose decisions could not be questioned. The disappearance of slaves and villagers every few days was one of the questions allowed to go unanswered. With tact, Adama learns that there is a price to be paid if the status quo must change, a price he is not yet willing to pay.

Furthermore, he learns that passion and its intricacies are the ingredients for the undoing of a slave. Pursuing romance was just as foolish as falling in love. With one, the body is guaranteed to suffer, with the other, the heart is. Therefore, he determines to restrain himself from falling in love. But not for long. With time, he comes to care deeply for AIZAH, his master’s adopted daughter, whom with great pains, had chosen to treat him as fairly as is humanly possible.
But while he ensures the longevity of his life and those of his friends with tact, Akan plots a bold rebellion against the privileged, and yearns for love without wavering. While Adama restrains himself from falling in love with Aizah, Akan boldly courts NENE, the most beautiful maiden in Apa. There is a good chance that Akan would face certain death because not only was it unheard of for a slave to be betrothed, Nene was already betrothed from birth to the Chief Priest’s son, Noga.

When the time comes for Adama to make a choice, he decides to help his friends elope. Under very strenuous circumstances, he aids the escape of Akan and Nene but oddly returns to Apa for Aizah, the woman he loves. He endures suffering and punishment at the hands of Noga who was robbed of his betrothed. And on the day that he meets the axe, he is suddenly freed by his master. The chief priest reveals in the secrecy of his chambers that Aizah looked a lot like the woman he once loved but was never allowed to marry. Aizah looked like her mother. He was once in love with Aizah’s mother but did not have the courage to pursue it. Now that he had the chance to right the wrong he had done against his heart, he decided to free the slave, and let him love the one who loves him as well. Together, Adama and Aizah leave Apa never to return again and headed for a life filled with love.



At Fortham Publishers Limited, our journey is a testament to passion meeting purpose. Founded by the visionary Msurshima Comfort Chenge, our mission is simple yet profound: to empower writers and illuminate minds through world-class publications. What began as a humble endeavor has blossomed into a beacon of literary excellence, shaping the landscape of Nigerian publishing.


Mrs Msurshima Comfort Chenge


Mrs. Msurshima Comfort Chenge is an award-wining author of over twelve outstanding children educational books. Her primary school book series, Fortham Computer Books for Primary Schools, are approved for use in schools across the country by the Federal Ministry of Education, as well as various states’ Ministries of Education in Nigeria. They are very much sought-after by both public and private schools alike as useful educational resources.

As a devout, passionate, virtuous and young Christian woman with high spiritual fervency, Msurshima believes that investing in the godly upbringing of children is the only assurance of a godly world for generations to come.

Mrs. Chenge was recently inspired, directed and guided by the Holy Spirit to write a one-of-a kind Bible StoryBook for children with the intention to introduce them early to the word and world of God. The Bible StoryBook has over one hundred beautifully illustrated pictures to interest and captivate the minds of the children while revealing the truths of the Bible in an adventurous way. The book is foreworded by Dr. Pst. (Mrs.) Becky Paul-Enenche). It is a Christian resource material for children, teachers and parents.
She was trained as a Full Time student from the Dunamis School of Ministry (DUSOM), where she served as the leader of the class in the capacity of “The Class Prophetess”.

The training further equipped and set her on fire with the right physical, mental and spiritual understanding of the nature and workings of God.

The vivacious and dogged Mrs. Chenge has a strong passion and desire to raise and support godly and Prudent parents, especially women who will, in turn, be instruments in God’s hands towards bringing up godly children in our world today. Her passion led her to establish a financial institution for the women – Prudent Women Multi-purpose Cooperative Society Limited ( – a national and international organization that has successfully empowered women at all levels through grants, loans and trainings.

Prudent Women Global Godly Series is the spiritual arm of the organisation meant for the teaching, directing and mentoring of young girls, ladies and women into the realization of their potentials and the fulfilment of their destinies in grand styles, while enjoying a godly union with their spouses and children.


The Prudent Women Food Bank is set up as the charitable segment of the organization for the distribution of free food items to members of the organisation and the general public, especially those who live below the poverty line.

Mrs. Chenge is the Founder and Managing Director of Fortham Publishers Limited ( – a leading Publishing Company in Nigeria with a track record of excellence, which was borne out of her passion to help other writers produce and publish world-class books. The company has excellently published several books since inception.

Her leadership of the company has gained the company the rare privilege of becoming a ranking member of the prestigious Nigerian Publishers Association. Mrs. Chenge is also serving presently as the Treasurer of the Association of Nigerian Authors (Abuja Chapter).

Mrs. Chenge is happily married to her friend, Engr. Robert Ahen Chenge, together with whom they share the God-given responsibility of raising great children in their home, by God’s special graces (1 Kings 3:8).

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Our Services


Book Editing

Our professional editors are happy to collaborate with you to improve the structure, flow and logic of your work, reading through your draft and making the necessary changes to guarantee that the final book appeals specifically to your target audience. We shall suggest changes in language and overall structure, while depending on your approval to ensure that your unique writing style is maintained throughout our editing processes.


Copy Editing and Proof Reading

Our technical team of copy editors and proof-readers focus more on the minute details of your literary work, scrutinizing each sentence, checking for accuracy of your story and the consistency of your unique writing style. Grammar, syntax, punctuations, spellings and other such details are hammered into the work at this point.

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Book Cover and Interior Layout Design

Your book cover is the first impression on your potential readers mind. A book is almost always judged by its cover, and so you cannot overestimate the true importance of an excellent Cover Design. Our talented and dedicated team of experienced graphics designers will craft a unique cover design and choose the appropriate format and layout for your books interior pages that will appeal to your readers.

Illustration and Artistic Impressions

Literary and art cannot be divorced from each other and more often than not, a writer finds it most important to draw out some important and useful artistic forms and representations from the imaginations. This requires the unique skills of experienced illustrators and artists who can understand the writer’s thoughts and represent their abstractions with physical forms. 


Printing and Distribution

After all the hard work you and the entire team has put into ensuring that your work is near perfection, Fortham Publishers ensures that the best quality of print is delivered on all our books. Depending on the desired quantity and quality of production, we choose to produce our work using the best printing technology in Nigeria and/or overseas. 


Marketing and Publicity

Marketing and publicity of books is the point at which your hard work is to be rewarded. Fortham is able to organise excellent book launches for our writers/authors and ensure that your hard work does not go unrewarded. Our dedicated team of marketers and business analysts are experienced in the art of selling books and have yielded great success over the years, selling a total of 100,000 academic books for Fortham Publishers and over 50,000 books for our writers.

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Every Publisher Publishes Books on a Large Scale. Our aim is to Make your Book Stand Out. We Pursue to Mold Your Product Distinguished for Key Role Publicity

What Our Authors Say!

Choosing Fortham Publishers was the best decision as this wasn’t just another publishing experience but it was also a journey for me. With their excellent editors and proof readers, I was able to deliver my work even before the deadline I gave myself.


John Adeniyi


Marketing is as important as Publishing a book. Over the years of working with other Publishing companies, this part was usually left out and thus, this made it very difficult to reach my desired Audience. Fortham Publishers takes care of not just Publishing but Also Marketing. It has been a really smooth ride with them.


Chris Chukwuemeka


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